Wednesday, April 8, 2015

16 mm Film Manipulation Second Response

This was the first project I have done in a film class that involved no cameras or computers. It was really awesome to work with real film in a creative way that you could actually touch. I love film, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the amount of media and screens involved in the production and editing process. I really do not like to stare at screens all day and it is the one downfall with working with film these days is that you don't actually get to work with film, its all digital media. I had a lot of fun experimenting with the different forms of film manipulation and seeing how it all turned out of the projector. I had never scratched film (on purpose) or doused it in bleach or worked with magazine transferring before, so I had no idea how it was going to turn out. Like working with film cameras, you couldn't really tell how the final product was going to look until the film was in the projector. I was pleasantly surprised with the way our reel turned out because even some of the places that looked boring or messy on the film, ended up coming to life in the projector. It is sad that working with real film is becoming more rare of an experience, even for film majors. I never realized how different working with film is as opposed to working with media... it really is a completely different art. In my opinion, it is more authentic and gives the films themselves more character to work with actual film, especially to work with film with your bare hands. 

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